Trademark owners take note: whether or not you participate in Google’s Adwords program to advertise your business, your competitors may be using your trademark as a keyword in promoting their competing business. Google not only allows this potentially infringing practice, it encourages it! The company actively and openly sells competitors’…
The Virginia Business Litigation Blog
What Is Harassment?
So you want to sue your boss for harassment. For years, you have put up with his antics, but now you’ve had enough. He has humiliated you in front of your co-workers, berated you for trivial things, and insulted you. Basically, he is a jerk. But do you have grounds…
What Is A Trademark?
A trademark is a type of intellectual property that generally consists of a distinctive sign or indicator used to identify the originating source of the products associated with the trademark, so that consumers can distinguish the trademark owner’s products from those originating from other sources. Section 45 of the Trademark…
Virginia City Settles Race Discrimination Claim
The Virginia city of Portsmouth agreed to settle a race discrimination case brought by the Department of Justice on March 25, 2009, the same day the suit was filed. In the lawsuit, the DOJ accused the city of discriminatory hiring practices against African Americans in its hiring of entry-level firefighters,…