
The Virginia Business Litigation Blog


Virginia Magistrate Judge Finds Reasonableness Paramount When Awarding Discovery Sanctions

As any experienced litigation attorney will tell you, the discovery process is where many cases are won and lost. Consequently, the process is often contentious and characterized by wild fishing expeditions, invasion of privacy, and abusive tactics. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, however, allow judges to sanction attorneys who…


Terminated Employee May Pursue Tortious Interference Claim Against Former Supervisor

Virginia employment lawyers who represent plaintiffs are often looking for creative legal theories to help their clients receive justice. Employees seeking redress for perceived wrongful termination face a steep hurdle in the employment-at-will doctrine, under which a private employer, subject to certain exceptions, is free to discharge its employees at…


Virginia Government Contractor Accused of Business Conspiracy

Conducting business in Virginia can be a cutthroat affair. Our capitalist system demands that firms compete with each other in price, quality, and technology, and the most innovative company will often win the largest number of lucrative government contracts. Unfortunately, some contractors utilize unfair, unethical, or illegal methods in the…


Richmond-Based Distributor of Indian Music Sued for Infringement

The Internet has been a boon to business. It brought local economies into the global market, cut down on communications costs, and made accessible information that was once only available through painstaking research. That is not to say, however, that the technology has not had its drawbacks. Towards the end…


Discovery in the Information Age

The discovery process, the primary fact-finding tool available to litigants, has always been contentious. Parties are loathe to hand over potentially embarrassing or incriminating documents, and the costs involved can be staggering. The information age has only served to make things more complicated. As the Northern District of Illinois observed…


Virginia Supreme Court Allows 500-Kilovolt Power Line Into Northern Virginia

The Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO) and the Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company (TrAILCo) plan to build a 265-mile, 500-kilovolt transmission line between Loudoun County, Virginia, and Washington County, Pennsylvania. They claim that due to rapid growth in the Washington, DC metro area, energy consumption along the Potomac will likely…

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