
Articles Posted in Contracts


BMW Survives Tortious Interference Case

Business litigation often involves allegations that a competitor engaged in unfair competition or business tactics designed to injure the plaintiff’s business. Such cases will only be successful, however, if the defendant business has crossed the line between legitimate competitive activity and tortious conduct. In a new Fourth Circuit opinion written…


Virginia Government Contractor Accused of Business Conspiracy

Conducting business in Virginia can be a cutthroat affair. Our capitalist system demands that firms compete with each other in price, quality, and technology, and the most innovative company will often win the largest number of lucrative government contracts. Unfortunately, some contractors utilize unfair, unethical, or illegal methods in the…


Virginia Court Declines to Enforce Liability Disclaimer in Business Contract

Faced with an issue that has not yet been decided by the Virginia Supreme Court, a federal court sitting in Roanoke, Virginia, ruled that contracting parties may not agree in advance to exempt each other from liability resulting from future intentional misconduct. To the extent parties include in their contract…


BB&T Wins Summary Judgment in Virginia Employment Case

Proving once again that no good deed goes unpunished, a former employee of BB&T Insurance Services to whom BB&T graciously paid 30 days of severance pay despite terminating his employment for cause–and apparently without requiring the employee to sign a release–sued the company for wrongful termination. On June 17, 2009,…

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